Remember the skype event with Libba we had? Well, we were able to ask her our questions and here's her amazing answers:
-Who pwns everything?
You do. (It should be noted that Erika asked the question. :P )
-If someone suddenly threw a wad of twenty thousand dollars at you, what would you do?
Hope I'd be very sticky. Though if it's an ethical question and I don't know if it's mine, I'd find out who's it is. If it's something on a game show where you have to eat and find the money in Jello, I'd put it towards my son's college fund and buy a new i-pod.
-If 'they' decided to make a movie of your life, which actress would you want to play you?
My friend Brenda likes to play this game where she picks an actor and actress that would play you in a movie. She decided that Bill Murray and Teri Garr would play me.
-What's the most random question you can think of? Answer it.
Do you have a laser eye?
-Can you do the Time Warp again? (Though we knew her answer having done it with her, we wanted to here her epic answer.)
It's tattooed into my brain matter. I would go almost every weekend between 8th and 10th grade to watch Rocky Horror.
And now to the contest!
So, would you like to win an audio of A Great and Terrible Beauty (which includes an interview with Libba Bray)?
- E-mail us at yathenaeum@yahoo.com.
- Include your name and address.
- Your entry must be received by June 26th.
- One entry per person.
- One lucky winner will receive a copy of the audiobook of A Great and Terrible Beauty from Listening Library.
Now, though ours isn't signed, the contest we mentioned earlier this week does have signed audiobooks, so you should enter both to have greater odds of winning one.
-The YAthenaeum Team
How did Libba become so gorgeous? Can I be Libba? Can Libba and I play with American Girl dolls together? Plz? And that could be the prize?
If Libba agrees, then sure! Can I then play with American Girl dolls with you both? :D
Oh and during the skype event, Libba realized that we're movie-challenged, so you should so come to our movie night that we wish to have...
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