Due to her forgetfulness, this came a bit later than we had hoped (though we still love her). But today we bring you a short Q&A with New York Times bestselling author of ttyl, Bliss, and her newest book Peace, Love & Baby Ducks; Lauren Myracle!
Who pwns everything?
Ian the barista, who gives me CDs of music--including his own! Also, if I toss out a remark like, "Wow, wonder what those DOUGHNUTS taste like," he will often prepare a tasting tray, which is quite beneficial to my tummy. So today, Ian is pwn-master. Tomorrow, who knows?
If someone suddenly threw a wad of twenty thousand dollars at you, how would you respond?
First, my eyes would pop and my mouth would form an "O" of surprise. Then I'd scrunch my eyes back up, thinking, "Dude, what gives? And why did you THROW that wad at me? Was throwing really necessary? I could'a lost an eye, bud!" And then I'd probably wonder if maybe he/she was on the lam, needing mental health, etc., and if I were in the position to offer help, I would. But if money-thrower turned out to be crazy in the NICE way, and he/she wouldn't be put out in some way by my accepting the generous gift, then I would say, "Wow. And thanks. And WOW!" And then I'd gather up all the bills, and I'd smile A LOT, and I'd give MUCHO GRANDE tip to Ian the barista (cuz I'd prolly be at Starbucks), and I'd go around to all the other customers and give them $100 apiece, just for the fun of it. And then--boring--I'd call my accountant and see what I needed to do to make the whole shebang LEGAL so that I didn't end up in jail because of it...and THEN I'd start planning the fun stuff, like what to actually do with it that would a) bring me and mine some sillly delight and b) help our gorgeous world! :)
First, my eyes would pop and my mouth would form an "O" of surprise. Then I'd scrunch my eyes back up, thinking, "Dude, what gives? And why did you THROW that wad at me? Was throwing really necessary? I could'a lost an eye, bud!" And then I'd probably wonder if maybe he/she was on the lam, needing mental health, etc., and if I were in the position to offer help, I would. But if money-thrower turned out to be crazy in the NICE way, and he/she wouldn't be put out in some way by my accepting the generous gift, then I would say, "Wow. And thanks. And WOW!" And then I'd gather up all the bills, and I'd smile A LOT, and I'd give MUCHO GRANDE tip to Ian the barista (cuz I'd prolly be at Starbucks), and I'd go around to all the other customers and give them $100 apiece, just for the fun of it. And then--boring--I'd call my accountant and see what I needed to do to make the whole shebang LEGAL so that I didn't end up in jail because of it...and THEN I'd start planning the fun stuff, like what to actually do with it that would a) bring me and mine some sillly delight and b) help our gorgeous world! :)
If 'they' decided to make a movie of your life, which actress would you want to play you?
Are 'they' aliens? Are we scared of 'them'? Do you have to keep their identity private, or 'they' will COME GET YOU?!!!! Um. Amy Adams, but she'd have to go brunette.
Are 'they' aliens? Are we scared of 'them'? Do you have to keep their identity private, or 'they' will COME GET YOU?!!!! Um. Amy Adams, but she'd have to go brunette.
What's the most random question you can think of? Answer it.
What is hair powder?
Hair powder is a real substance that peeps on TV use, according to my TV friend, Nina. Apparently, bald men spray it on their pates. Hair powder is also what I dreamed about last night. My sis, Suze, used it to dye her hair pink. She looked retro-cool. I was jealous.
What is hair powder?
Hair powder is a real substance that peeps on TV use, according to my TV friend, Nina. Apparently, bald men spray it on their pates. Hair powder is also what I dreamed about last night. My sis, Suze, used it to dye her hair pink. She looked retro-cool. I was jealous.
Can you do the Time Warp again?
No. I couldn't do it the first time. Le sigh. But if you taught me, I could!!!! I learned how to do the "Thriller" dance, after all!
No. I couldn't do it the first time. Le sigh. But if you taught me, I could!!!! I learned how to do the "Thriller" dance, after all!
When writing some authors plan every detail and others just dive into the book, so are you an outliner or a diver (or a mix)?
Poo. I'm a diver. Pox, I say, on those steady, efficient outliners!!!! A pox on their heads! And hair powder! Hair powder on their heads, too!
Poo. I'm a diver. Pox, I say, on those steady, efficient outliners!!!! A pox on their heads! And hair powder! Hair powder on their heads, too!
What kind of ridiculous things have your family members done that caused problems at a family event?
Oh, now. Don't be silly. Other than my sis, Suze, forgetting to wear underwear one day, then borrowing a pair from my dear friend, Julianne, then having THEM SLIP OFF BY A CONSPICUOUS WATER FOUNTAIN, then having a non-family member FIND THEM and hold them up and say, "Um, did someone lose these?" Other than *that*, I can't think of a thing.
Oh, now. Don't be silly. Other than my sis, Suze, forgetting to wear underwear one day, then borrowing a pair from my dear friend, Julianne, then having THEM SLIP OFF BY A CONSPICUOUS WATER FOUNTAIN, then having a non-family member FIND THEM and hold them up and say, "Um, did someone lose these?" Other than *that*, I can't think of a thing.
Do you have a particular sisterly moment you'd like to share?
Ha ha! Already answered that: see above! And I didn't even plan it. Am I clever or what?
Did your relationship with your sister influence Carly and Anna's relationship?
Yes to the yes-teenth-million. But let it be said: even though I was (sometimes) bossy, even though I was (sometimes) jealous, I love my sis to distraction. She is one of the true joys of my life! P.S. And did you know????? Suze-of-the-lost-undies, who prefers to go by Susan Rebecca White (but why get caught up in details, hmm?)...anyway, she just had *her* first novel published!!!!! BOUND SOUTH is its title, and it is made of awesome. (And, shhh, it's sexy and subversive, too!)
Ha ha! Already answered that: see above! And I didn't even plan it. Am I clever or what?
Did your relationship with your sister influence Carly and Anna's relationship?
Yes to the yes-teenth-million. But let it be said: even though I was (sometimes) bossy, even though I was (sometimes) jealous, I love my sis to distraction. She is one of the true joys of my life! P.S. And did you know????? Suze-of-the-lost-undies, who prefers to go by Susan Rebecca White (but why get caught up in details, hmm?)...anyway, she just had *her* first novel published!!!!! BOUND SOUTH is its title, and it is made of awesome. (And, shhh, it's sexy and subversive, too!)
1 comment:
lmao this was nuts
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